Houston we have a problem


From heaven to earth, the gods came down.


Pause for one single second and allow your mind to open like a night in the cinema with a good Sci-fi movie, I can’t provide the popcorn but bare with me.
Ok its primitive times of the ancient Egyptian world, the hustle and bustle of everyday life. You’ve seen Gladiator with Russell Crow right? Now imagine a very recent film full of artillery and infantry. Apache Assault helicopters landing with armed men equipped with radio satellite surveillance, semi automatic machine guns fresh from Marlin Brando’s apocalypse Now and even a stealth bomber fly’s overhead. Topgun`s Tom Cruise barrel rolling an f16 against Mig28`s 25,000ft high. Let alone Gene Hackmans missiles from a submarine 200 miles away in Crimson tide. All completely acceptable in today’s life but back then what would you scream………Signory Weavers Alien!!
 So we don’t need to even give good old Fred Flintstone a lighter let alone a mobile phone you’re all with me on this one right.
Ok, so why not, From the Heavens the Gods came down. Now before we move onto Stargate with Kurt Russell and mind travel with Michael J Fox in Back to the future,

We can appreciate anything is possible.

All religions seem to stem from the same past down story, and since cultured into their own in all different countries beliefs. The theories spoken of so far are of another world, landing here on earth to either explore or mine the wealth of the planets materials but all basically in short THEY visited. Like are very own Neil Armstrong and crew turning mere steps into leaps?
Now Darwin Bless his cotton socks Sussed out evolution for us to get a better handle of things Man to Ape thanks Charlton Heston but where did the human mind suddenly kick in.
With Science constantly improving as generations go on and technology enabling us to study and piece together our past much clearer and efficiently, there is of a new explanation to that long awaited answer to the infamous Missing Link!?!
It seems apparent that the Milky Way is the actual remains of a planet that was once in orbit. Hold on George Lucas not quite your turn wait!! So is this where THEY are from?
Today’s medicine world frantically researching to fight the common diseases that are world suffers from in the hope to bring a cure. Cloning new body parts not only a perfect dream for the ill and our future but also a realism happening. Actually making a man, test Tube babies, artificial limbs, Genetic engineering and DNA understanding.
So what about the idea we were tampered with, Ape to Man the Missing Link. I’m writing my own movie now but in all seriousness there has to be room for the possibility! And I’m not bringing in Keano Reeves Matrix here I’m talking about a mistake, that we were in fact quite possibly genetically improved to do a task for our own kind but in a freak unforeseen collision with our home planet we’ve been left behind without our agenda’s - that we have been lost in earth....................!

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